The Story Of Stickman BodyCare
And How It Came To Be

Shawn and his wife Julia
Stickman BodyCare was borne out of a desire to help alleviate some of the inflammation and pain that my wife, who has Multiple Sclerosis (MS) deals with on a daily basis. I started by using high quality, all natural oils, locally sourced raw beeswax, and 3rd party lab tested Full Spectrum CBD Distillate to create our Signature CBD Salve.
I was skeptical of what the relief would be. After I applied the salve, the relief she experienced was enough for her to sleep through the night for the first time in months. The feedback from my coworkers was just as dramatic. I had to try it out. I have worked for 20+ years in factories and warehouses. I deal with daily back pain.
I had my wife rub some salve on my back. After 15 minutes, I stepped off my bed and the relief I felt was amazing. I could walk and bend without discomfort. That day solidified my belief in the healing powers of hemp and I decided that I had to bring this relief to as many people as I can.
That was in 2019, when Stickman Bodycare was just a dream of mine and each tin was hand drawn. Every Stickman as unique as the person receiving it.
In 2022, I went to a family gathering and brought a bunch of my salve to give out as gifts. My cousin had injured his shoulder overseas years before and was suffering because of this injury.

Chuck and Shawn, Stickman Co-Founders

All Our Products Are Backed With A 100% Quality Guarantee
He had a box full of creams, lotions, and rubs. He was even getting cortisone shots to alleviate his discomfort. He actually laughed at me and told me he didn't think it was going to help him. He tried it out anyway. I got a call the next day from him telling me how much my salve had helped him sleep through the night for the first time in forever. Chuck decided to join me a short time later and we made my dream a reality.
We are a family owned and run small business. Our mission is simple. Using high quality lab tested ingredients, we create and procure amazing products for anyone looking for relief from discomfort and inflammation, anxiety, stress relief, or just some much deserved relaxation. We keep our price point well below the industry standard to keep relief in everyone's reach. Why not? You deserve it!!